Time Management Sheet - Week 03

WEEK (Start from): 20th Nov 2017

Monday: Group Production Meeting (45mins). Improve 1/10th scale bar stalls (90mins). Paint additional layers onto the miniature bar pieces (20mins). Experiment with different materials for the rounded end of the miniature bar (60mins). Sculpt miniature rounded bar end for model box and fire in oven (20mins sculpting, 20mins in oven + 30mins cooling time). Paint first layer on molded sculpey (10mins + drying time).
Tuesday: paint second layer on molded sculpey (10mins + drying time). Cut out wood panels for miniature mirror section of 1/10th scale bar (10mins). Additional layers of paint to miniature bar sections (20mins + drying time). Assist in making miniature chairs for model box (30mins). Paint final base layer on molded sculpey clay 10mins + drying time).
Wednesday: Photoshop tutorial session (150mins). Sketch and paint designs on miniature bar sections (30mins + drying time). Cut and glue bottle shelf sections together (30mins). Paint shelf sections (20mins + drying time).
Thursday: Full performance test runs, re-evaluation and improvements (All day).
Friday: source materials and props for performance (120mins).
Saturday: Finnish writing contextual studies essay (All day).
Sunday: Rest day.


What worked?
The wood and sculpey segments of the miniature bar dried rather rapidly, allowing multiple layers to be applied in short amounts of time.
What didn’t work?
Attempting to make the sculpey retain it shape was rather complicated, as it would try to resort to a flat shape, rather than the curvature we required.


What have you learned from these processes?
It was rapidly discovered that particular materials can be utilized in various ways, producing differing results, some of which were helpful, but also allowed the realization of their limitations.

How will this help you develop your design?
This creates the understanding that each material should be used in particular ways, and that they each create different results and effects, meaning that when require a particular appearance for an item, there are many ways to achieve the desired effect.

Did you manage your time well? If not what would you change?
A lot of the major aspects of the piece were near completion by  the end of the week, which allowed for experimentation with appearances and techniques which would prove to be highly effective and invaluable for the end result.